
杰出女性奖学金获得者 Reflect on the Influence of Female Leaders (Part 1 of 2)



PBA Empowers Tomorrow’s Leaders Through 杰出女性 奖学金

2月20日, 拼搏体育 (PBA) will host its annual Women on Distinction Luncheon, 让学生们聚在一起, 教师, 和 friends of PBA to honor female leaders who are making a lasting impact on their communities. 今年, 杰出女性 午宴将向当地的慈善家致敬 丹尼斯·汉利 和 希拉溜冰者 for their leadership, outst和ing commitment 和 service to the Palm Beach County community.

午餐, 一个延续了30多年的传统, honors local philanthropists 和 raises scholarship funds for deserving female students at PBA, 帮助他们追求自己的激情. 2024年奖学金获得者是阿比盖尔·迪亚兹, 丽迪雅Ducanis, Emie桑托斯, 娘Thang, 玛格丽特Mysowski, 和Darah onniwa.


 阿比盖尔·迪亚兹(Abigail Diaz)是佛罗里达州沃斯湖的一名新生., applied for the scholarship because she respected the program’s initiative to honor women. Diaz thinks this scholarship allows female students to broaden their horizons in a God-honoring way 和 find leaders who inspire them. 这项奖学金让迪亚兹, a student majoring in communications with a minor in creative writing, look forward to working in communications or becoming a novelist after finishing her time at PBA.

Diaz believes it’s essential for young women to find strong female role models because it gives them a relatable perspective. Someone who she considers her own personal “杰出女性” is her mother. Diaz’s mother has been a role model for her by also working in 和 leading her own team in the communication field.

“She’s kind of like a powerhouse; she does so much for me 和 my sister,迪亚兹说.

最初, 迪亚兹被告知她不会获得奖学金, which made her even more overjoyed when she discovered she was one of the recipients.

“如果没有发生的话, 我当时就想, “好吧, 上帝自有安排,’但它确实做到了, 这再次肯定了我选择PBA的决定,迪亚兹说.

Diaz looks forward to personally thanking donors who made the scholarship possible at the luncheon. She’s excited to meet the people who went out of their way to bless her.


Like Diaz, 丽迪雅Ducanis, a junior at PBA from Davie, Fla., was excited to learn she would be a scholarship recipient. She has applied for the scholarship multiple times, along with her friends. 当她收到这个消息时, she was in a primarily male class 和 had to explain to them what the scholarship meant to her.

“I was just so happy because it’s about women supporting other women in furthering their education, 这让我觉得我的目标得到了支持,杜坎尼斯说。.

 Ducanis is currently studying finance with a concentration in franchising 和 plans to graduate with a job in finance. After working for a few years, she hopes to buy or start a franchise. 对社区服务充满热情, Ducanis would love to set up a social franchise that looks similar to homeless shelters.

“I think that my job on this earth is not just to be successful on my own but to give back 和 give the glory to God,杜坎尼斯说。.

Ducanis gets her ambition 和 inspiration to work hard from her three older sisters. She is forever grateful for their help in raising her after her father passed away when she was young. Her sister Eva helped push her to do well in school 和 church.

“If I could be like anyone, I would be more like my sister Eva,杜坎尼斯说。.

Ducanis is excited to learn from the other attendees at the luncheon. As a naturally curious 和 talkative person, she always asks questions 和 wants to know more. She believes many lessons can be learned from other women’s experiences.


Another PBA junior, Emie桑托斯, from Bergenfield, NJ, is honored to be a scholarship recipient. Santos states it helped relieve some of the financial burdens she has always associated with the school.

作为一名法律预科学生, she believes this scholarship can help girls enter previously male-dominated fields. 而不是害怕, Santos hopes girls are encouraged to chase their dream jobs even if the odds are not always in their favor. 

“It’s nice to have something that motivates you to keep going in your studies,桑托斯说。.

Santos credits her mom 和 older sisters with pushing her in academics. She admires her mom for working two jobs to raise her 和 looks up to her sisters, 现在谁是警察和会计. 她说她在PBA的成功归功于他们所有人.

“It’s all their sacrifices that really pushed me,桑托斯说。.

读完PBA后,桑托斯想去上学 罗格斯大学法学院 或者其他纽约和新泽西的学校. She is passionately working towards her goal of opening her own law firm in New York City with her sister.

She hopes to meet a successful female lawyer at the luncheon who can share her experience 和 suggestions.

“I think it’s important for girls to have female role models so they can learn how to be themselves 和 still dominate in any area of life,桑托斯说。.

Learn more about PBA’s 杰出女性 和 how you can support students like Abigail Diaz, 莉迪亚·杜坎尼斯和艾米·桑托斯 在这里



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