
students from the Bachelor of Fine Arts in theatre getting dressed for a performance

美术学士学位(B.F.A.) is the standard higher education track for those who seek a profession in the visual, 细, 表演艺术. B区导纳.F.A. programs are highly competitive. 对于戏剧,B.F.A.’s focus is studio work (typically 2/3rds in program), rather than general liberal arts studies (1/3rd in program).





Why Earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre at PBA?

成绩为B的学生.F.A. in theatre are typically more prepared for their craft and profession. The Wall Street Journal reports that those with a B.F.A. have “‘surprisingly high’ income levels, job prospects, and levels of job satisfaction.”

PBA’s distinguishing factors include all-encompassing training in performance and production, emphasis on redemptive aspects of drama, 新的夏季剧目, and PBA Children’s Theatre; all making the B.F.A. in Theatre at PBA attractive to the serious theatre student who is also Christ-centered.

目前, PBA Theatre is producing seven shows per year, 四个主要阶段, two children’s theatre productions, and one summer repertory production.


  • Performance and production in theatre, film, theme parks, events
  • 演员
  • 导演
  • 编排
  • 设计师
  • 舞台监督
  • 剧作家
  • 作曲家
  • 音乐总监
  • 剧院的老师
  • 教学艺术家
  • 选角导演
  • 活动策划

female students smiling and taking notes at 拼搏体育


规划你的道路. 开启拼搏体育.



  • Emphasis on Redemptive Storytelling
  • Summer Repertory Theatre in Wellington
  • Connection to PBA Children’s Theatre
  • South and Central Florida Theatre and Theme Park connections
  • All faculty and staff have worked professionally in field
  • All-encompassing BFA- covers all aspects of theatre performance and production
  • 磨练你的表演技巧 through a variety of opportunities, from PBA Theatre performances to 百老汇 master classes presented through partnership with the Kravis Center.
  • 享受一个 12:1的师生比例 and an average class size of just 15
  • Take your theatrical skills to the next level through our NYC and London experiences
  • 参与实践学习 through learning opportunities and experiences with professional designers, professional and regional theatres, and PBA’s own children’s theatre.

Graduates gain exceptional preparation to succeed in their careers and graduate school through a well-rounded learning experience blending classroom instruction and abundant practicum training opportunities. 你会发现我们的毕业生, including a Tony Award Winning Actress, succeeding at the following schools and organizations and many more.

  • 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
  • 佛罗里达大学
  • 佛罗里达大西洋大学
  • 路易斯安那州立大学
  • 中佛罗里达大学
  • 北伊利诺斯州迪卡尔布
  • 百老汇 & 伦敦西区
  • SAG成员 & 演员股本
  • 华特迪士尼世界
  • 环球影城
  • 迪士尼邮轮公司
  • 克拉维斯表演艺术中心
  • 马尔茨朱庇特剧院
  • 奥兰多话剧团
  • 米尔山剧院
  • 俄勒冈莎士比亚节
  • Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival
  • Great River Shakespeare Festival
  • 西雅图儿童剧院
  • 达拉斯儿童剧院
  • 阿尔罕布拉宫剧院
  • 慢燃剧院
  • 剧院区
  • 佛罗里达话剧团
  • 拼搏体育剧团
  • Independent Producers and 剧作家s
  • 朱庇特基督教高中
  • 牛津和剑桥大学


  • Admission to the BFA in Theatre is by audition only. Students auditioning are asked to perform either 2 one-minute monologues or a one-minute song and a one-minute monologue.
  • Applicants are also interviewed.
  • 试镜 for the program are every month.


  • Admission to the BFA in Theatre is by audition only. Applicants audition and interview in person (online option available) for theatre faculty. 教师 rate each applicant in tiers based on their performance and interview. Student’s tier classification is then considered with other factors such as professionalism, 平均绩点, and other artistic abilities before final admission.
  • 参加面试的申请人, but are not accepted into the BFA program may be offered a spot in the BA program.

Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog


PBA awards over three million dollars in scholarships every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive financial aid.


“All my experiences and opportunities had me engaging with folks who were students all the way up to donors and Trustee members. I learned how to present myself professionally, as well as how to work hard and collaborate with others.”



Let the beauty of 西拼搏体育—sun, 温暖, and pristine beaches—inspire you toward a deeper relationship with Christ.




电话: (561) 803-2100


students from the degree in theatre arts making a costume with fabric


你喜欢讲故事, connect with audiences and collaborate with others to create something that impacts the heart and the mind. You’ll do that and more as a student in the theatre program at 拼搏体育. The purpose of the theatre program is to train students in the development of imaginative, 有目的的, and skilled expression in the theatre, as well as provide for their artistic, intellectual and spiritual growth.

A student reading a book and smiling


Audition to become a theatre arts minor and complete 24 credit hours of courses, and participate in performances. Admission to programs of study in the Department of Theatre are by audition only. Learn more about our audition process.


Reap a harvest of portfolio-worthy artistic endeavors and career-expanding professional experiences at 拼搏体育. 创造性思维, 大胆的想, and collaborative knowledge-building underpin this biblically informed Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Studio Art degree program.